Wednesday, May 02, 2007

North Bank Path closed May 7 - July

Resurfacing of the North Bank Path from the Greenway Bike Bridge to Club Road is scheduled to start May 7th. The goal of the project is to repair the unsafe traveling conditions of the cracked and heaved path surface caused by tree root damage and aging. Approximately 1.5 miles of pathway along the Ruth Bascom Riverbank Trail will receive a new concrete surface and portions will be widened to 12 feet. Special efforts will be made to avoid damaging tree roots and other natural areas along the path. The project is scheduled to be under construction through early July. The path will be closed for extended periods of time during construction. Closure is necessary to protect path users from the construction equipment and prevent damage to the new concrete surface while it cures. The Greenway Bike Bridge behind Valley River Center will remain open during the work and users should detour to the South Bank Trail during the path closure. Federal funds will pay for approximately 80% of the $785,000 project, with City transportation system development charges funding the remainder. Wildish Construction Company is the general contractor on the job, which is being managed by the Eugene Public Works Engineering Division in cooperation with the Oregon Department of Transportation. For more information please contact Jenifer Willer at 682-5364 or