Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Also on Nov. 2nd: Dedication Event Marks Completion of Improvements on East 18th Avenue

A dedication event on Friday, Nov. 2, will mark the successful completion of improvements on East 18th Avenue between Agate and Alder streets. The dedication begins at 12:30 p.m. adjacent to Hayward Field in the vicinity of Emerald Street.

The $1.1 million project began in early July and included repaving the street, constructing pedestrian and bicycle improvements, and installing “green” stormwater facilities. The project was designed and managed by the Eugene Public Works Department, and the work was done by Eugene Sand & Gravel as the general contractor on the job.

The work included installing parking bays, reconstructing the north curb line and sidewalk between University and Agate streets to provide better pedestrian passage, and building vegetated stormwater swales. Travel lanes were reduced in width and bicycle lanes were added on both sides of the street. As part of the City’s pavement preservation program, 18th Avenue was repaved from Agate to Hilyard streets, Agate Street was repaved from 13th to 22nd avenues, and the intersection of 19th Avenue and Agate Street was reconstructed.

As part of the project, Eugene Tree Foundation volunteers planted 41 new street side trees along the north side of 18th Avenue. These new trees and landscaping features, plus the wider sidewalks and bike lanes, help to fulfill a goal of improving the environment for walking and bicycling along this busy section of 18th Avenue. The project also is part of a community-wide effort to prepare for the Olympic Trials in Eugene next summer.

Members of the public are invited to attend the event. Light refreshments will be served.

If you have questions, please Matt Rodrigues, Project Manager, 541-682-6036

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Joe Metal Cowboy Kurmaskie

The one and only Joe Metal Cowboy Kurmaskie, fresh off a 4,000 miles pedal across Canada - with his entire family in tow no less, that's three growing sons and hisfully grown wife ( cover story for Bicycling Magazine this winter) will be bringing all 17 feet of bicycle along with comedy, satire, slides and stories of the human condition with a unique cyclist's eye view of the world.

November 2, 2007 7pm. Eugene Public Library

The event is FREE, but all book sales and funds raised go to support Camp Creative "No Child Left Inside" ,an Oregon based nonprofit summer arts and cycling expedition program, founded by the our very own wild-man.

Hope to see you there, be sure to bring friends, and non-cyclists too - Joe humor boasts a very high conversion rate to the church of the wheel.

Stray well,

Metal Cowboy Headquarters

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Newly improved street needs trees Oct. 6

FALL TREE PLANTING - The Eugene Tree Foundation is looking for volunteers to help us plant over 40 new streetside trees along East 18th Avenue as part of the nearly completed project by the City of Eugene to make pedestrian and bicycle improvements. Rain or shine, planting date is Saturday, October 6th, 9am to noon. Look for our canopy setup along East 18th between Agate Street and University Street. Please wear work boots or sturdy shoes and appropriate clothing. Tools, gloves, and refreshments will be provided by the City of Eugene and the Eugene Tree Foundation. I can be reached at my office number listed below for any questions.See you there! (Jeff Lanza, Planting Coordinator, Eugene Tree Foundation, Wk. Ph. 484-7367)