Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Get yourself some of the slick "I Share the Road" stickers!

Here's what they look like

And here's where you can get them free

Oregon Bicycling Summit

Oregon is the land bicycle riders dream about! How do we turn those dreams into reality and make Oregon the #1 bicycling destination in the USA? Organizers of Oregon's 1st State-Wide Bicycling Summit invite you to attend and find out!

What: Oregon Bicycling Summit

When: April 1, 2006; 10 AM - 3 PM (Exhibit Hall open 9-10 AM and 3-4 PM)

Where: Hilton Hotel &Conference Center, 66 East 6th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401

Program Highlights:

* Welcome &Opening Remarks - Jay Graves, President, Nat'l Bike Dealers Association

* Sharing the Dream: Oregon as the #1 Bicycling Destination - John Blackwell, Chairman, Oregon Parks and Recreation Commission

* Bicycling and Tourism in Oregon: A Significant Socio-Economic Potential - Todd Davidson, CEO, Travel Oregon

* Roles of Oregon Parks &Recreation and Oregon Dept. of Transportation

* Luncheon Keynote - Peter DeFazio, U.S. Representative - Oregon

* Facilitated Work Groups: How do we turn the dream into reality?

* Open Forum/Feedback Session: Where do we go from here/Next steps

Cost: $25 per person

Please RSVP to: mailto:ingrid@cycleoregon.com or 503.287.0342 ext. 103

Exhibit opportunities available before and after the Summit for $50 (skirted tables).