Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Oregon Bicycling Summit

Oregon is the land bicycle riders dream about! How do we turn those dreams into reality and make Oregon the #1 bicycling destination in the USA? Organizers of Oregon's 1st State-Wide Bicycling Summit invite you to attend and find out!

What: Oregon Bicycling Summit

When: April 1, 2006; 10 AM - 3 PM (Exhibit Hall open 9-10 AM and 3-4 PM)

Where: Hilton Hotel &Conference Center, 66 East 6th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401

Program Highlights:

* Welcome &Opening Remarks - Jay Graves, President, Nat'l Bike Dealers Association

* Sharing the Dream: Oregon as the #1 Bicycling Destination - John Blackwell, Chairman, Oregon Parks and Recreation Commission

* Bicycling and Tourism in Oregon: A Significant Socio-Economic Potential - Todd Davidson, CEO, Travel Oregon

* Roles of Oregon Parks &Recreation and Oregon Dept. of Transportation

* Luncheon Keynote - Peter DeFazio, U.S. Representative - Oregon

* Facilitated Work Groups: How do we turn the dream into reality?

* Open Forum/Feedback Session: Where do we go from here/Next steps

Cost: $25 per person

Please RSVP to: mailto:ingrid@cycleoregon.com or 503.287.0342 ext. 103

Exhibit opportunities available before and after the Summit for $50 (skirted tables).


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